Saturday, 13 August 2011

Day 44: The Incalculable Value of Friends

det norske flagget
I am writing this on the ferry home where there is free internet access.  This is A Bargain, and is passing the time nicely and productively.  The only downside is that all the tabs are now, somewhat inexplicably, in Norwegian.  I know it is Norwegian, because I cut and pasted Rediger innlegg into Google Translate, and that is what it detected.  Rediger innlegg is Norwegian for Edit Post.  Don't ever say that you don't learn things here.

That aside, I am happy to report that this little jaunt to Ireland has been well worth it.  I have managed the whole thing for just over £100, which is not too much all things considered, and is nothing compared to the value of this particular friendship.  More practically, Friend Jared is almost as strapped for cash as I, so while we did dine out (there is not much by way of cooking facilites in a Northern Irish B&B), we happily made do with a cheap (but extraordinarily good) Chinese meal, with tap water to drink. 

After my misanthropic rant yesterday, it is good to be reminded how important other people are.  (I say this even as I am being squashed into a corner by a chap who has decided to lie out on the banquette with his head practically in my lap.)  I am content not to buy stuff this year.  But I am also content to buy time with people who are important.  That is not money wasted: it is money invested, because without good friendships neither poverty or riches are endurable.

So no tips today - just a little moralising!  I see Ailsa Craig out of the window, which means that Scotland is close, and I shall soon have to pack up and make the return coach journey.  Pray for sober travelling companions; for sleeping children; for the low hum of quiet conversation; and for strong-willed smokers.

Total Expenditure: £4.45 


Jillian said...

It's nice to hear that you and Jared met up and had such a nice time together. I love hearing about friends having reunions. I agree with you - friends are priceless.

The Intolerant Baker said...

Thanks, Jillian :)