Saturday, 23 July 2011

Day 22: Fran's Happy Dance

Yes indeed.  Today I actually achieved one of these changes of mindset I have been talking about.   You know: the one where I am faced with a couple of choices, one of which is more attractive, but the other more frugal.  And I chose the more frugal one!!

*Fran does a metaphorical cartwheel, a literal one not happening any time soon.*

The scenario is simple.  A quick facebook conversation with Friend Rich, and we agree to catch up over coffee.  He knows about the frugality drive, and so his precise words were: "We can either go budget and meet in the (work) kitchen, or head to a cafe."

Well, a cafe sounded very nice.  So I began typing, and this is what I wrote: "Let's do the cafe thing.  I can stretch to a cup of coffee :)"  My finger hovered over "Enter".  And then I paused.  I remembered the bus/train incident, and the Abomination of Desolation that hitches its ride to the Chariot of Failure.  And I deleted what I had written and replied instead, "Kitchen it is, then.  I'll bring milk!"

Which is why I am now feeling very pleased with myself.  Friend Rich and I had a good and sociable chat, enjoyed some excellent coffee thanks to his cafetiere, and I also supplied some Oreos that were on special offer in the newsagent's.  (Ideally, I would have baked something, but I just didn't have time.)  The whole cost less than a half of the usual coffee price, and I have a goodly part of a pint of milk in my fridge to boot.  What is more, for the rest of the day, I have been basking in the summery warmth of smug self-satisfaction.

The Oreos, however, have been consumed in their entirety.

Total Expenditure: 89p